
Queen for a Day

Queen for a Day

This enchanting bouquet is a celebration of elegance in purple and white. At its heart are striking white Oriental lilies, their large, fragrant blooms exuding sophistication. These are beautifully complemented by tall, spiky stems of purple liatris, which add height and a touch of modern flair to the design. Surrounding these are a selection of long-lasting purple flowers, such as alstroemeria, statice, or carnations, creating a lush and harmonious arrangement.

The bouquet is arranged in a clear glass vase, allowing the vibrant hues to shine through. A rich purple bow tied around the neck of the vase adds a luxurious and cohesive finishing touch, making this arrangement a perfect choice for any occasion that calls for grace and beauty.

Price: $69.95

Product: MOTH4



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Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00, Sat 8:30-12:00, Sun Closed